Standish Congregational Church
There is a ministry for everyone
Due to the health crisis, many of our out reach ministries are suspended.
Church Service
Our worship services interweave words and music and traditional and contemporary styles. We follow the Revised Common Lectionary. Responsive and unison prayers are written in inclusive language. The pastor's weekly meditation (sermon) concerns a passage of scripture and its application to our lives. Congregational hymns and choral responses are sung throughout the service. The choir's weekly anthems reinforce the service themes. Children, youth, and adults participate in our services.
Christian Education
"Growing in the Spirit, we follow Jesus." Our Christian education programs for children, youth, and adults are designed for spiritual growth, faith formation, and discipleship. We offer Sunday School, and Adult Education opportunities.
Music Ministry
Music is vital in the life of our congregation. We have been able to grow in our ability to sing congregational hymns and praise songs in a variety of styles, and are able to offer not only adult choir, but also youth choir. We feel our minister of music, Kathryn Marles is facilitating a range of opportunities.
"Growing in the Spirit, we follow Jesus; loving, tending and feeding all God's people and Creation." Many of" our mission projects focus on feeding the hungry. We offer meals, free and open to the public, to anyone seeking food or fellowship or both, the last Monday of each month. We also take on annual projects for Church World Service (putting together health kits and disaster relief buckets). Recently we have been collecting food for our local Standish Food Pantry providing help for people in need in our community. Our church contributes financially to local, national, and global causes that serve God through serving humanity. Ultimately, we seek to be peacemakers, in God's world.
Our fellowship groups (men’s and women’s) offer members and friends opportunities to love, tend, and feed God’s people and creation via monthly meetings that focus on activities like compiling disaster relief kits and World Service health kits, planting gardens, and discussing issues of faith and life.
Community Outreach
We are an active congregation! In addition to offering fifth Monday meals and spaghetti suppers, we host multiple fundraising projects such as: Village Square Fair, Cornish Applefest fritter booth, and the Standish Spectacular Pancake Breakfast. One fundraising project, Electronics Recycling, serves God and helps creation as well as raising funds for our church. All of these projects are a great way to get involved in our church, and people of all ages are welcome.