
Men's Fellowship


Men's Fellowship was formed in 2016.  Currently this group meets once a month, and focuses on prayer. Men's Fellowship members were the preachers in our recent Fathers Day service, speaking with the congregation on the importance of prayer in Christian life, and helping us all better to understand "The Lords Prayer."  This group also sponsored the collection of ten Disaster Relief Buckets for Church World Service. 

Women's Fellowship


Women's Fellowship is open to all women who attend our church.  Meetings are held once a month.  Fellowship activities include making crafts for the Village Square Fair and crosses to go on prayer shawls.  Each year this group collects items for Church World Service health kits as well as Church World Service blankets. The blankets are given in honor or in memory of loved ones and dedicated on Mothers Day. The groups' "Red Stocking" fundraiser provides funds for needy famiies with food gift cards given in the month of December.


For social activities the group meets for mystery lunches and dinners and Summer gatherings for fun and fellowship.