Worship Service

October 6th, 2024 - Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

World Communion Sunday
View previous services on our YouTube channel!

Our worship services interweave words and music and traditional and contemporary styles.  We follow the Revised Common Lectionary.  Responsive and unison prayers are written in inclusive language.   The pastor's weekly meditation (sermon) concerns a passage of scripture  and its application to our lives.  Congregational hymns and choral responses are sung throughout the service. The choir's weekly anthems reinforce the service themes. Children, youth, and adults participate in our services. Below is an example of a past bulletin. All are welcome, please join us!

Standish Congregational Church, U.C.C.


 Sample from: January 12, 2020

Sunday morning worship 9:30 A.M.





 David Heath, Interim Minister

 dheath@sacoriver.net (207) 712-9916



When you enter the sanctuary for the worship service, you are in "sacred time and space," a time and place for Reverence. Please conclude your conversations; and silence and put away electronic devices and other distractions, so that everyone may fully "tune in" to the music, the prayers, and the sharing of God's word.




PRELUDE       "O Lamb of God"                                                         Kathryn Marles, Pianist


BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST                                                                       Acolyte


WORDS OF WELCOME                                                              Rev. Cynthia Biggar, Pastor


CALL TO WORSHIP             based on Psalm 29                        led by David Heath, Reader


            Reader:            The voice of God is over the waters; 

            ALL:                 over the mighty waters,

                                     God speaks with creative power.

            Reader:            The voice of God breaks the cedars;

            ALL:                 over the cedars, the wilderness--and fire--

                                     God speaks with authority.

            Reader:            Enthroned forever,

                                     God has blessed us with strength and peace!

                                     Let us respond:

            ALL:               "Glory to God!"

            Reader:           Come, let us worship!


*HYMN OF PRAISE – "I Love to Tell the Story"                                                           360                                                                                                                                             


OUR MINISTRY AND MISSION                                                              Pastor and others


SCRIPTURE READING      Isaiah 42:1-9                                             David Heath, Reader




            Reader:           God of heaven and earth, you see all things.

            Pastor:            You know the depths of our hearts                       

                                    better than we know ourselves.

            ALL:                You know the great heights to which we aspire

                                    and the depths of our failures

                                    when we fall short of doing what we know is right.


                                    a moment of silent reflection


            Pastor:            We ask for your mercy and forgiveness 

                                    for our selfishness and fears.

            Reader:            Help us to walk as the faithful followers of Christ

                                    that You call us to be.

            ALL:                Create in us the grace of Christ

                                    toward those with whom we disagree,

                                    just as he extended it

                                    those who conspired against him.  AMEN.




            Pastor:              God truly shows no partiality.

                                     In every nation, anyone who reverences God.

                                     and does what is right is acceptable to God.

                                     Just as the prophets testified in the scriptures,

                                     everyone who believes in God

                                     receives forgiveness of sins through God's name.

           ALL:                  Thanks be to God!      AMEN


ANTHEM       "All Poor Ones and Humble". (Hymn #163)                                      SCC Choir


A MESSAGE FOR ALL AGES:  "John the Baptist"                        Pastor and Young People


A PRAYER FOR ALL AGES: "Thank You, God, for Loving Me"            call and response


A HYMN FOR ALL AGES "One More Step Along the World I Go"       

                                                                                                         please refer to song sheet




INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTURE                                                                               Pastor


SCRIPTURE READING - MATTHEW 3:13-17                                                             Reader


MEDITATION –  "Jesus' Baptism, and Ours"                                                               Pastor


THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE:  Joys and Concerns, Silent Prayer, Pastoral Prayer




PRAYER RESPONSE "Jesus, the Light of the World"       refrain


                We will walk in the light, beautiful light,

                Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright.

                Shine all around us by day and by night,

                Jesus, the Light of the World!




            Call to Offering                                                                                  



          *OFFERTORY RESPONSE:     "Epiphany Season Doxology"                48


                               To God, all glorious heavenly Light,

                                    to Christ, revealed in earthly night,

                                    to God the Spirit now we raise

                            our joyful songs of thankful praise.  AMEN


          *PRAYER OF DEDICATION  in unison


                     Giver and Sustainer of Life,

                     pour out Your blessing upon these gifts

                     and upon all who give from their hearts.

                     Multiply these gifts so they reach farther

                     than our imaginations can carry them.

                    In the blessed name of our Redeemer, we pray.   AMEN


*HYMN OF DEDICATION – "Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound"                           401                                                                                                                 


 BENEDICTION                                                                                                               Pastor                       


TAKING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST INTO THE WORLD                                                  Acolyte


 POSTLUDE     "Seek Ye First". (Hymn #443)

                                                Kathryn Marles, Pianist                                                                                                            



Worshipers are encouraged to remain seated--and quiet--during the Postlude, to respect the artistry of our musicians and the meditations of fellow worshipers.  


* All who are able, please stand.


Acknowledgements:  Today's Call to Worship was prepared by Rev. Biggar.  The other printed prayers are from UCC Worship Ways.



We Are an Open and Affirming congregation.

Whoever you are,

Wherever you are on life's journey,

You are welcme here!